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Plastic surgery – Otoplasty

Transform Your Look with Otoplasty – Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Have you ever felt uncomfortable because of prominent or asymmetrical ears? Otoplasty might be the solution to help you regain your confidence!

What is otoplasty? It’s a cosmetic surgical procedure that corrects the shape, size, or position of the ears. Whether you want to adjust ears that are too large, too small, or stick out too far from the head, otoplasty can provide balanced and natural-looking results!

👶 Perfect for all ages – Otoplasty can be performed on both children and adults. It is recommended after the age of 5-6, once the ears are fully developed.

📅 How the procedure works During a 1-2 hour procedure, the surgeon will make fine incisions behind the ears, reshaping the cartilage to create a natural and balanced appearance. Plus, recovery is quick, and the results are long-lasting!

🔹 Simple and fast recovery – Most patients return to their regular activities within a few days, with minimal aftercare.

🔹 Long-lasting benefits – The results are permanent and can significantly boost your self-confidence.

❓ Want to know more? Send us a message or schedule a consultation today!

#Otoplasty #CosmeticSurgery #Beauty #Confidence #EarCorrection #AestheticProcedures #VisibleResults

Otoplasty surgery price: 4000 Lei (800 Euro).

If you have any questions, call us: +40 757 531 995