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Postoperative eventration

General surgery – Postoperative eventration

Postoperative eventration – 3 days of hospitalization.

The day of hospitalization costs 300 lei and includes anesthesia, surgery, medication and nutrition before and after surgery. Prices apply to insured persons. Accommodation is in living rooms with 1-2 beds, air conditioning, cable TV, internet.

What is eventratia?

Eventration is the partial or total exit of an intra-abdominal organ through an area of ​​weak resistance in the abdomen resulting from post-traumatic or postoperative. The signs and symptoms of the eventration are represented by the appearance of a formation (gall, swelling) at or near a postoperative scar, often accompanied by pain on physical exertion.

What is the surgical cure for eventration?

The surgical treatment of the eventration is the surgical intervention through which the organs are reintroduced in the abdominal cavity and the abdominal wall is strengthened. This intervention can be performed both classically and laparoscopically. For an additional strengthening of the abdominal wall, synthetic materials (nets) are used, which, by mounting them, create a surplus of resistance in the respective area. “Like a patch on a blouse”

How do we prepare for the eventration operation?

The operative preparations are made in collaboration with the attending physician and must take into account the place of the eventration, the associated pathology of the patient (patient’s diseases) and the operative moment.

What is the hospitalization period?

In the absence of complications, the hospitalization period is between 2-4 days.

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